Black woman sitting on concrete steps with a white blazer, jeans and heels

I am a modern day renaissance woman, who cultivates soft spaces for Black women to exist in their joy, liberation and sensuality without guilt or shame. A passionate advocate & educator for photographers to learn how to capture the essence of Black women in boudoir. Creator of the first global directory for Black boudoir photographers. The reinvention maven who was forced to restart her life after 30 and has been thriving ever since! I specialize in guiding women who are 30+ on how to be their favorite version of themselves. 

My core beliefs: 

Pleasure is your birth right because we exist.

Rest, like love, does not have to be earned.

You are your longest and most expensive relationship you will ever have. No money or time is ever wasted in the pursuit of finding your full body joy!

Communities I serve:

Photographers who deserve to capture their diverse clientele with empathy, compassion and skill. 

Women ready to release themselves from the expectations of others and move into thrive mode.

My Brands

Featured & referenced in

Huffpost, therapy for BLACK GIRLS, KEYS SOUL CARE

Upcoming speaking engagements

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